SAVE THE DATE: February 25 at 3 pm – 5 pm
Writing for Young Readers with Shutta Crum
Amelia Island Writers is a local chapter of the Florida Writers Association (FWA) is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization for writers of all genres. FWA is focused on beginning and advanced writers within a professional atmosphere for our members.
The purpose of our Amelia Island Writers (AIW) chapter is to provide support, inspiration, and interactive learning to foster individual writing and publishing goals.
It is not necessary to be a member of FWA to participate in our local writers group (AIW). The Advisory Council of AIW consists of Donna Lee Overly, Marla McDaniel, Pat Martocci, Linda Sexton, Lee Ann Shobe, Suzanne Schiffman and Michael Stokes.
We have arranged with Story and Song to offer programming during the year that will be open to the public. This bookstore bistro, located in Amelia Park, hosts music, literature, and civic discussions. Another resource for writers, The Book Loft, located in historic downtown Fernandina, offers a variety of items and programs including author events and book signings.
Amelia Island Writers is an active writers group. Participants are regular members who collectively choose topics for reading, writing and discussion.
Visit the Focus Groups menu tab for more information about specific small groups, and the Newsletter tab to sign up for our monthly newsletter.
We are happy to promote your book signings, awards, and other events. Contact us by the 25th of the month to be included in an upcoming newsletter. Your email address will never be used for purposes other than our writer’s news.
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